basic c programs questions for interview

Top Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation 2023

Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation: As you prepare for your upcoming interview, it is essential to have a solid understanding of basic C programs concepts. In this section, we will provide a comprehensive list of basic C programs questions that are commonly asked during interviews. These questions will help you prepare for your interview and strengthen your knowledge of C programming.

Key Takeaways for Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation:

  • Mastering basic C programs questions is crucial for success in C programming interviews.
  • Understanding C data types is essential for writing efficient and error-free C programs.
  • Tokens in C programming are crucial for proper program execution and syntax.
  • The printf() and scanf() functions are used for input/output operations in C programs.
  • Static variables have unique properties and are essential in certain programming scenarios.

Understanding C Data Types

In Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation very important to know One of the fundamental concepts in C programming is the understanding of different data types. Data types define the type and size of data that can be stored in variables. By using the appropriate data type, you can efficiently manipulate and process data in your C programs.

In C programming, there are several data types available, including:

  • int: Used for storing whole numbers, such as 5 or -10.
  • float: Used for storing floating-point numbers, such as 3.14 or -2.5.
  • char: Used for storing individual characters, such as ‘a’ or ‘Z’.
  • double: Similar to float, but with double precision.
  • bool: Used for storing boolean values, which can be either true or false.

Understanding the different data types is crucial for writing efficient and error-free C programs. It allows you to allocate appropriate memory, perform calculations accurately, and ensure data integrity. It is important to choose the right data type based on the requirements of your program.

Data Type Size (in Bytes) Range
int 4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
float 4 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38
char 1 -128 to 127
double 8 1.7e-308 to 1.7e+308
bool 1 true or false

By having a strong understanding of data types in C programming, you will be able to tackle interview questions that test your knowledge of this fundamental concept. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the common C program interview questions related to data types to enhance your interview preparation.

Working with Tokens in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Tokens play a vital role in C programming as they are the building blocks of a program. In C, a token is the smallest individual unit of a program, which could be a keyword, an identifier, a constant, a string literal, a special symbol, or a punctuation mark. Understanding tokens is essential for writing correct and error-free C programs.

One frequently asked question related to tokens is, “What is the difference between a keyword and an identifier?” In C, keywords are reserved words that have predefined meanings and cannot be used as variable names, while identifiers are user-defined names used to represent variables, functions, or other entities in a program. It is important to use proper naming conventions and avoid using keywords as identifiers to prevent conflicts.


int main()


int num = 10;

return 0;


Another common question is, “What is the difference between a string literal and a character constant?” In C, string literals are enclosed in double quotes and represent a sequence of characters, while character constants are enclosed in single quotes and represent a single character. It is important to remember that a string literal is an array of characters, terminated by a null character ‘\0’.


char name[] = "John"; // string literal

char initial = 'J'; // character constant

By familiarizing yourself with different types of tokens and their usage in C programming, you will be better equipped to write efficient and error-free code. It is important to practice working with tokens and understand their significance in program syntax and execution.

Token Type Example
Keyword int, for, while
Identifier num, sum, total
Constant 10, 3.14, ‘A’
String Literal “Hello, World!”
Special Symbol + – * / =
Punctuation Mark ( ) { } ; ,

Exploring printf() and scanf() Functions

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation The printf() and scanf() functions are commonly used in C programming to handle input and output operations. The printf() function is used to display or print text and variables on the console, while the scanf() function is used to read input from the user.

Here is an example of how the printf() function is used:

printf("Hello, World!");

This will display the text “Hello, World!” on the console.

The scanf() function is often used in conjunction with the printf() function to prompt the user for input. Here is an example:

int age;

printf("Enter your age: ");

scanf("%d", &age);

In this example, the scanf() function is used to read an integer value entered by the user and store it in the variable age. The %d format specifier is used to indicate that the input should be formatted as an integer.

printf() Format Specifiers Description
%d Prints an integer
%f Prints a floating-point number
%c Prints a character
%s Prints a string
  1. The printf() function allows you to format the output by using format specifiers. Here are some commonly used format specifiers:
  2. The scanf() function also uses format specifiers to indicate the type of input expected. Here are some examples:

%d – expects an integer

%f – expects a floating-point number

%c – expects a single character

%s – expects a string

Understanding how to use the printf() and scanf() functions effectively is essential for C programming. These functions provide a way to communicate with the user and manipulate input and output, making them fundamental tools in the C programming language.

Understanding Static Variables in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Static variables are an important concept in C programming as they retain their values between function calls. Unlike local variables that are destroyed after each function call, static variables preserve their values, allowing them to maintain state across multiple function invocations. This characteristic makes static variables useful in various programming scenarios.

When a variable is declared as static, it is allocated memory only once during the program’s lifetime. The variable remains in memory throughout the program’s execution, even if the function in which it is defined is called multiple times. This behavior ensures that the variable’s value persists across function calls, making it an ideal choice for storing information that needs to be remembered and accessed over time.

Static variables are especially useful when we want to count the number of times a function is called or store a value that needs to be shared among different function invocations. By using static variables, we can maintain the state of the program and achieve desired functionality.

Here is an example to illustrate the usage of static variables:

#include <stdio.h>

void increment()


static int count = 0;


printf("Count: %d\n", count);


int main()





return 0;


In this example, the static variable “count” retains its value between each call to the “increment” function. As a result, the program outputs:

Count: 1

Count: 2

Count: 3

By leveraging the power of static variables, programmers can create more robust and flexible programs, enhancing the overall functionality and efficiency of their C code.

Difference between malloc() and calloc() Functions

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Understanding the difference between malloc() and calloc() functions is crucial for efficient memory allocation in C programs. Both functions are used for dynamic memory allocation, but they have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different scenarios.

When using malloc(), memory is allocated but not initialized. This means that the allocated memory may contain garbage values or unpredictable data. On the other hand, calloc() allocates and initializes memory to zero. This ensures that the memory is properly initialized before use, making it safer in some cases.

Another difference lies in the number of arguments they require. Malloc() takes a single argument which specifies the size of the memory block to be allocated in bytes. For example, if you need to allocate memory for an integer variable, you would use sizeof(int). Meanwhile, calloc() requires two arguments – the number of elements to allocate and the size of each element. This allows you to allocate memory for arrays or structures more easily.

Function Initialization Number of Arguments
malloc() No 1
calloc() Yes (initialized to 0) 2

In summary, malloc() and calloc() are both used for dynamic memory allocation in C, but they differ in terms of initialization and the number of arguments required. Understanding these differences is essential for choosing the appropriate function based on your specific memory allocation needs.

Scope of Variables in C

The scope of variables determines their visibility and accessibility within a C program. Understanding variable scope is crucial for writing well-structured and error-free code. In C, variables can have different scopes, such as local, global, and function parameters.

Local variables are declared within a block of code, such as inside a function or a loop. They are accessible only within that block and cease to exist once the block is executed. Local variables are useful for storing temporary data that is specific to a particular block of code.

Global variables, on the other hand, are declared outside of any function and can be accessed by any part of the program. They have a global scope, meaning that they are visible to all functions in the program. Global variables should be used with caution, as they can lead to code complexity and potential naming conflicts.

Function parameters are variables that are passed to a function when it is called. These variables have a local scope within the function and their values can be manipulated inside the function. Function parameters allow us to pass data to a function and retrieve results from it.

Table: Comparison of Variable Scopes in C

Scope Visibility Accessibility
Local Within a block of code Only within the block
Global Throughout the program Anywhere in the program
Function parameters Within the function Only within the function

Understanding the scope of variables in C is essential for writing efficient and maintainable code. By correctly defining the scope of variables, you can prevent naming conflicts, reduce code complexity, and improve overall program readability.

Exploring Recursion in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Recursion is an important concept in C programming as it allows for solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks. In this section, we will explore some common C programming interview questions related to recursion and understand how it can be used effectively.

One frequently asked question is to write a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a given number. The factorial of a number is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to that number. By implementing a recursive function, we can break down the factorial calculation into smaller subproblems until we reach the base case, which is when the factorial value of 0 or 1 is 1.

Another interesting question is to write a recursive function to reverse a given string. This can be achieved by recursively swapping the first and last characters of the string until the entire string is reversed. The base case for this function would be when the length of the string becomes 0 or 1.

Example: Recursive Factorial Function

Let’s take a look at an example of a recursive factorial function in C:

int factorial(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * factorial(n - 1);

The function checks if the input number is 0 or 1, in which case it returns 1 as the factorial value. Otherwise, it recursively calls itself with the argument n – 1, until it reaches the base case.


For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Recursion is a powerful technique in C programming that allows for solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. By understanding the basic principles of recursion and practicing with common interview questions, you can enhance your problem-solving skills and demonstrate your proficiency in C programming during job interviews.

Function Overloading in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Function overloading is a useful feature in C programming that allows multiple functions to share the same name. By defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters, we can create more flexible and reusable code. This allows us to perform similar operations on different data types or with different argument combinations.

When we call an overloaded function, the compiler determines which function to execute based on the number, types, and order of the arguments provided. This allows us to write cleaner and more concise code, as we can use the same function name for related operations.

Here is an example that demonstrates function overloading:

int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

float sum(float a, float b) { return a + b; }

double sum(double a, double b) { return a + b; }

In this example, we have three functions named “sum” that perform addition operations on different data types. Depending on the arguments provided when calling the “sum” function, the compiler will automatically choose the appropriate version of the function.

Overall, function overloading is a powerful technique that enhances code readability and promotes code reusability. By leveraging this feature in C programming, we can write more efficient and concise programs.

Pointers in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Pointers are a core concept in C programming that enables direct memory access and efficient data handling. A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. By using pointers, we can manipulate and access data directly, improving the efficiency and flexibility of our programs.

One common use of pointers is dynamic memory allocation. In C, we can dynamically allocate memory using the malloc() function. This allows us to allocate memory at runtime based on the program’s needs. Pointers are used to store the address of the allocated memory and manipulate the data stored within it.

Another important aspect of pointers is their ability to pass memory addresses as function arguments. By passing a pointer to a function, we can modify the value stored at that memory location directly, rather than passing a copy of the value itself. This can save memory and improve performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.

Key Concepts Description
Pointer Declaration Pointer variables are declared using an asterisk (*) before the variable name. For example, int *ptr; declares a pointer to an integer.
Pointer Initialization Pointers can be initialized with the address of a variable using the ampersand (&) operator. For example, int num = 10; int *ptr = &num; initializes the pointer ptr with the address of the variable num.
Pointer Dereferencing By using the dereference operator (*) on a pointer, we can access the value stored in the memory location it points to. For example, int value = *ptr; assigns the value stored at the memory address pointed to by ptr to the variable value.

Understanding pointers is essential for advanced C programming and is commonly tested in interviews. By mastering pointers, you will have a solid foundation for efficient memory management and data manipulation in your C programs.

Typecasting in C

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation Typecasting is an important concept in C programming that allows for the conversion of one data type to another. It is used when we want to treat a variable of one type as another type. In C, typecasting is done by explicitly specifying the desired data type in parentheses before the variable. For example:

int num1 = 10;

int num2 = 3;

float result = (float)num1 / num2;

In the above example, typecasting is used to convert the variable num1 from an int to a float. This allows the division operation to produce a floating-point result.

When performing typecasting, it’s important to note that the precision or range of the data may be affected. For example, if we typecast a large floating-point number to an int, the fractional part will be truncated, resulting in a loss of precision. Similarly, typecasting an int to a char will result in the ASCII value of the integer being stored in the char variable.

Typecasting is a powerful tool in C programming that allows us to manipulate and convert data to suit our needs. It is commonly used in mathematical calculations, file handling, and data representation. By understanding and utilizing typecasting effectively, we can make our programs more versatile and efficient and ace the Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation.


Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation is must and When preparing for a C programming interview, it is essential to have a solid understanding of basic C programs questions and concepts. By familiarizing yourself with topics such as C data types, tokens, printf() and scanf() functions, static variables, the difference between malloc() and calloc(), and the scope of variables, you will be well-equipped to tackle interview questions and showcase your programming skills.

Furthermore, understanding recursion, function overloading, pointers, and typecasting will demonstrate your ability to solve complex problems and leverage advanced features of the C programming language. Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation should be easy after the this blog.

By mastering these fundamental concepts, you will not only be better prepared for interviews but also enhance your overall programming knowledge. This will give you a competitive edge in the job market and open up opportunities for career growth in the field of C programming. Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation should be easy now.

FAQ on Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation.

What are some common basic C programs questions asked in interviews?

For Basic C Programs Questions for Interview Preparation – Some common basic C programs questions asked in interviews include questions about C data types, tokens, printf() and scanf() functions, static variables, the difference between malloc() and calloc(), the scope of variables, recursion, function overloading, pointers, and typecasting.

What are the different C data types?

The different C data types include int, float, double, char, and void. These data types are used to store different kinds of data in C programming.

How do tokens work in C programming?

Tokens are the smallest individual units in a C program. They include keywords, identifiers, constants, strings, operators, and punctuators. Tokens are used to create statements and expressions in C programming.

What are the printf() and scanf() functions used for in C programming?

The printf() function is used to print formatted output to the console, while the scanf() function is used to read formatted input from the console in C programming.

What is the difference between malloc() and calloc() functions?

The malloc() function is used to allocate a block of memory of a specified size, while the calloc() function is used to allocate a block of memory of a specified size and initializes the memory to zero in C programming.

What is the scope of variables in C programming?

The scope of a variable defines where the variable can be accessed in a C program. Variables can have global scope, local scope, or function scope in C programming.

How does recursion work in C programming?

Recursion is a technique in which a function calls itself. It is used to solve problems that can be broken down into smaller, simpler versions of the same problem.

What is function overloading in C programming?

Function overloading allows multiple functions to have the same name but different parameters. The appropriate function is called based on the number and types of arguments passed to the function.

How do pointers work in C programming?

Pointers in C programming are variables that store memory addresses. They are used to manipulate and access data directly in memory.

What is typecasting in C programming?

Typecasting is the process of converting one data type to another in C programming. It allows variables to be interpreted as different data types for specific operations.

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